
​It's a happy, cozy snow day here in the middle of the middle.  The flakes started to fly last night and before bedtime we got the call that there would be no school today...YaY!!!!  Is it wrong that I love a snowday at least as much as my kids?  We woke to beautiful snowy streets and that special quiet that the snow always brings with it.  I love it.  Completely.  Today was especially wonderful as my girl is home for her term break AND she made the most scrumptious brunch for our family.  It was delicious in every way...so tasty and so wonderful~that feeling of stolen pleasure...I mean a family brunch on a school day...so decadent.  I'm feeling very lucky and full right about now.  And now I get to share today's silly Advent creation (you really are so nice to put up with this silliness). 

Have you guessed what today's feltie is?  I imagine that you have.  Here's a hint.  His name is Tigg, as in grand-nephew of the lovely Miss Tiggy Winkle​ (you know of Beatrix Potter's tale of Miss Winkle the washer woman-strike that, I mean washer hedgie).  Yes, that's right - a hedgie... 


A hedgie with a rolypoly belly and a heart full of love... 


Here he is feeling prickly (he' not really angry but just wanted to show off his prickles for you) ...


True confessions...I have a fond spot in my heart for hedgehogs.  When I was a girl my grandmother gave me a stuffie of Miss Tiggy Winkle, complete with apron, dress AND her very own pink shawl that matched the cardigan Grandma knitted for me that Christmas.  I loved that stuffie so much and still wonder whatever happened to her and that sweater (they both disappeared after I left for college--victims of spring cleaning I'm guessing).  

It's funny how the details of prized possessions can stay with you.  I can remember everything about that sweater and doll shawl~~the lacey stitch of the shawl (picot edge and all), the crochet chain that tied it, the soft rosey pink color of that sweater, the squishy feel of it (that makes me sure it must have been 100% wool even though that would have been unusual for sweaters of that time on the Gulf coast), the grosgrain ribbon that faced the button bands, the slightly shiny pearly pink buttons, the 2 inches of knit 1/purl 1 ribbing at the cuffs, hem and rounded neckline~~all of it every last detail.  These are the things that stay in my mind's eye, the feel of them in my fingers and against my skin.  I know I'm not alone in this, but I also know that not everyone  remembers details like this (at least not about clothing).  It's one of those things that makes me realize that I was always heading toward this life of making, of working with sticks and string and fabric.  I cherished that sweater and the little shawl that Miss Tiggy Winkle wore because they were lovely for sure, but more than that I cherished them because I knew that my grandmother made them for me.  Just for me.  I appreciated that even then, way back when, before I knew what it was to make something for someone, before I knew what it was to tuck love, hopes, dreams and wishes into each stitch.  What a joy that is~another stolen pleasure~that quiet communion.  It makes me feel so fortunate.  So loved.  And so full of love.   That I get these moments to compose little love notes by way of hats and mittens, sweaters and even ridiculous felties for my nearest and dearest, makes me feel so happy, so blessed, so thankful.  I know that is true for many of you too.  I think of that in the wee hours when my needles are clicking away and everyone has gone to bed here.  I think of you out there stitching your own love notes right at that very same moment and how some of those handmade gifts will go to someone who will cherish every detail and feel so loved and so special every time they see it.  We are such a lucky lot, we makers.  

Happy making and happy handmade to you and yours.  May your weekend cozy and full of love!





Meeting Manchego...

Happy Day Two of Advent!  Today we have been getting to know our guest of honor, Manchego a wee mousie with a talent for making merry.  He's anxious to meet you too.  And so....



Here he is...Friends ~ Manchego.  Manchego ~ Friends.



Out of the stocking and...



 ...into the kitchen.  Of course.  After filling his belly, he spent the afternoon making friends...



What a nice young mouse ~ so polite and dear.  We've decided to let him stay (after securing a promise that he is on his own and that his friends and relations will not be coming to call).

Happy happy...




Mr. Eager...

Well here we are, ready or not, at December 1 and the first day of Advent!  And that means it's time for making Advent garland goodies!  


To make your own Advent garland click here for my free pattern!

Every year I think that it will be the last time that I wil do this, and yet as the next November approaches I find myself doodling woodland animals, sea creatures, flora and fauna, making an audition list for a new troupe of Adventists. All the while I tell myself that this is beyond silly, that my kids are way past the age to make this about them, that I really should be doing something more constructive with my time (...um like sleeping, since the adventists are mostly made in the hours after midnight, yes hours), that there are at least a hundred reasons why this is among the most ridiculous and illogical things that I do (and truly, that is really saying something). And yet...like swallows, and Monarchs, and even like locusts, I know they will come. I know where the wee hours of December will find me (because as smart as it would be for me to parse the creation of these guys throughout the months of the year, I don't...like I said, an illogical venture this). So why?...why do I get the irrepressible itch to make them every year?...I've been thinking about this a lot. I think that just maybe it;s because it is so illogical. I get to learn something new and play and not worry if it's good enough to sell, or give as a gift or if anyone else will want to make it/wear it, or anything else for that matter. It's just for fun. Making for fun. Making, to bring a smile to me and the my family. For play. And all of that is good. So good~~and way too easy for me to talk myself out of my in day to day, have-to, need-to, should, be a grown-up life. So, needless to say, here we go again. For fun. That's all. Just for fun. And that's good enough for me.

So without further ado...this first day of Advent is brought to you by Mr. Eager, a beaver who is always busy, always eager, and always working, but who still makes it look like fun.


 Searching our dining room for the perfect place to build his new dam...


Happy December to you all.  May all of your making be happy and fun.  Until tomorrow...





Thirty days hath November...

Hello there!

I'm just popping by to invite you to check out a wonderful event held by In the Loop yarn shop.  A while back, Cheryl contacted me about participating in her 30 Day Project.  Each day of November the shop's blog features an different indie designer.  I am so excited to involved in this fun event.  I think it's a great way to jump start holiday knitting and to stock up on patterns. And so to that end, I am delighted to offer you the Rascal Raccoon Mitts for 50% off on my day, November 24th.

This design is one of my all time favorites.  It was the first pattern I ever self-published and remains my best seller.  And you may know by now, it's my favorite kind of knitting…whimsical enough to bring a smile as it grows on the needles.  This pattern is worked in the round from cuff to finger tips. 

If you would like to knit these rascally mitts for yourself, head on over to Ravelry and enter the promo code 30dayproject when you check out.  The pattern will wing it's way to you for only $2.75 usd!

Stay cozy and happy knitting!...



The Cat's Pajamas!...

Hello hello!   

I'm so happy to finally be able to announce the publication of my newest pattern, The Cat's Pajamas!  It's been over a year since I wrote this pattern, submitted it, and was sworn to secrecy (secret knitting is a necessary part of this business but is soooo hard sometimes).  This is a pattern that had been tickling the back of my mind for a while so when the good folks at Spud and Chloe contacted me about possible design ideas I happily pitched this one and am absolutely thrilled that they decided to include it in their new collection.


So what is the Cat's Pajamas?...It's a part stuffed softy and part bag—a pajama bag to be exact—a perfect companion for sleep-overs and for corraling wayward jammies.


Here he is sitting pretty, waiting patiently for bed-time, stories and snuggles...


And in the morning he is all ready to help with a bit of bedroom organization...


PJs in the bag!... 



This pattern is made in super soft Spud and Chloe Sweater.  This yarn is so fantastic to knit and the fabric it creates is just yummy—squishy-soft with just the right amount of body to give it structure.  And the colors?...a-maz-ing!!  I adore the palette that this yarn comes in—so many bright fun colors!  I made the original sample in traditional tabby cat colors but take a gander at what the Spud and Chloe gals did with it...  


Soooo cute!!  They used the pattern as a color theory exercise!  I love it and am now totally itching to get my own bright-funky-kitty-knitty on.  


The pattern can be found for sale here.  It is offered online as a pdf or as a hard copy (in stores that carry Spud and Chloe yarns).  I very often order pattern pdfs when I have the chance (saves paper and keeps the clutter down here at my little house o'yarn), but people you have to see these Spud and Chloe patterns.  I love them.  They are designed just like traditional sewing patterns, complete with paper envelope and everything.  Perfect for keeping the pattern nice and for including notes and pictures of the finished piece.  Brilliant!! 

Can you tell that I had fun with this little pattern?  Fun, functional, with just enough whimsy thrown in for good measure.  My favorite kind of summer knitting!  Hope your summer is the cat's pajamas or at the very least the bee's knees!

